Our core values

Svvayam specializes in crafting high-quality, traditional pooja rooms using premium materials such as solid wood, brass, and stone. The brand emphasizes the following core values:


Commitment to using traditional temple materials and craftsmanship to ensure genuine and spiritually enriching pooja spaces.


Offering personalized design services to meet the unique requirements and preferences of each customer.


Providing a seamless and premium customer experience from consultation to installation, ensuring the highest standards of quality and service.

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OUR Products

We love to find solutions
to complex challenges

Your dream is our vision. With over two decades of event planning experience, we are passionate about creating a unique event that brings your dreams to reality.

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Our Product Categories

Price: Starting from INR 1,90,000

Pooja Room Elevation

Book Your Design Consultation
Price: Starting from INR 2,90,000

Pooja Room Elevation with Pillars

Book Your Design Consultation
Price: Starting From 5,00,000

Open Court Yard

Book Your Design Consultation
Price: Starting from INR 1,50,000

Wall Mount Pooja Room

Price: Starting from INR 4,50,000

Walk-In Pooja Unit

Book Your Design Consultation

India’s largest multi-material art manufacturing facility with 5,00,000 sft/annum capacity.


Latest industry 4.0 manufacturing with 80% lower lead times than traditional handicrafts, enabling you to deliver projects on time.


Customized manufacturing that can seamlessly integrate with your customers’ interior décor mood board.

Featured Projects


Concept Sketch

We regard environmental concerns, resource-consciousness, healthy project finances.


Working Drawing

We regard environmental concerns, resource-consciousness, healthy project finances.


Complete Project

We regard environmental concerns, resource-consciousness, healthy project finances.


Concept Sketch

We regard environmental concerns, resource-consciousness, healthy project finances.


Working Drawing

We regard environmental concerns, resource-consciousness, healthy project finances.


Complete Project

We regard environmental concerns, resource-consciousness, healthy project finances.


Concept Sketch

We regard environmental concerns, resource-consciousness, healthy project finances.


Working Drawing

We regard environmental concerns, resource-consciousness, healthy project finances.

Take Control of the Manufacturing Process

Be involved in every step of your pooja room building. Get live updates to check quality of the materials, design and finish. Talk to the shop floor directly for constant updates.

Moodboard & Budget
3D Render & Site Visit
Shipping & Installation
rachita berry

“Thank You i have goosebumps love it absolutely love it my mil will see it on Tuesday have covered it well set up nicely with flowers etc.“

Sonia Reddy

“Thank you svvayam team, there was no single person who was not amazed. everyone liked it. it’s really very very beautifully done“

Mala Sharma

“This looks beautiful, very elegant worth the price think i made the right choice“

“Everything fitted very well. thanks a ton for this thanks for the patience and efforts...  money can’t buy spiritual sense... your pooja rooms and it’s elegance brought it for us.“


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I place an order for a custom pooja room design?
Can I customize the size and features of a design from your catalogue?
Can you visit my site?
Do your pooja rooms come with a warranty?
Do you provide other interior services apart from pooja rooms?
Do you offer delivery services pan-India?
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3rd Avenue, 83 Manhattan, New York, USA

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

3rd Avenue, 83 Manhattan, New York, USA